School cuts in Crawley

Schools in Crawley are amongst the 92% set to receive less funding next year, according to research by ‘Stop School Cuts‘.

A mere two schools in Crawley will avoid a funding cut in the next year, with all other schools having to absorb further cuts to their budget after over a decade of Austerity.

It is a national disgrace, that some schools have been forced to beg parents for donations of toilet roll and basic stationery in order to function. Further cuts are pushing the education system to the point of disaster.

How can a child realise their potential when forced to study in crumbling schools and without basic equipment? How can an economy grow or public services function without a workforce with the right skills and training? It’s the future of the nation at stake.

That’s why Labour are committed to investing in our children, starting by putting an additional 6,500 more teachers in schools, reducing class sizes and ensure that every child is given the support they need to thrive.

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