Labour’s Green Prosperity Plan will benefit Crawley by cutting family energy bills and bringing good jobs to local community

Labour’s Green Prosperity Plan will benefit Crawley, by saving £300 off the average energy bill for families and bringing good jobs to the local community.

Labour’s Green Prosperity Plan is the party’s landmark plan to grow Britain’s economy, cut energy bills once and for all, and make Britain energy independent.

The party has today confirmed that this policy will have the following key benefits for Crawley:

  • Tackling the cost of living crisis by saving families up to £300 off their average annual energy bills, helping the 45,000 households in Crawley.
  • Supporting the creation of up to 77,000 jobs in the South East, by investing in British industries, bringing good jobs to places such as Crawley.
  • Upgrading and insulating 45,000 homes in the South East, further cutting energy bills for families and slashing fuel poverty.
  • Setting up Great British Energy, a publicly-owned energy company, to invest in of locally-owned clean projects that the community will own and benefit from.

Labour’s plan will include investments to drive local and economic growth, with a National Wealth Fund will help to create up to half a million jobs in Britain’s industrial heartlands, giving opportunities to plumbers, electricians, welders, and workers in every single nation and region of the country.

This historic investment in working people and their communities is the only way out of the high energy bills, energy insecurity, and the doom-loop of low growth, high taxes and crumbling public services under Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives.

A large part of that investment will be paid for by a proper windfall tax on oil and gas giants, so those who have profited from energy insecurity pay for the investment needed to rebuild industry, lower bills and make sure we are never at the mercy of dictators like Putin again.

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