Dave Rowntree drums up support for Crawley Labour

Dave Rowntree, Mid Sussex Labour Candidate and drummer from Blur visited Crawley last week to support Crawley Labour candidate Peter Lamb.

Dave Rowntree said:

“It’s great to be here in Crawley supporting Peter Lamb. You couldn’t meet anyone more passionate about his hometown. 14 years of Conservative negligence has undermined the best efforts of Crawley Labour Council and the residents of Crawley deserve better. I hope being here today helps to encourage the many local Labour supporters to join Peter’s campaign and bring change to this great town.”

Peter Lamb said:

“I was delighted to welcome Dave to Crawley today. We both passionately believe that Sussex deserves better than 14 years of Conservative failure and are determined to build a better future for the residents of Crawley and Mid Sussex.”

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