You now need photo ID to vote, is your ID valid?

When the Conservatives brought in photo ID requirements they were warned it would prevent millions from voting, but with those least likely to have valid ID being people unlikely to vote Conservative, they went ahead with it anyway.

Don’t let them get away with rigging our democracy, make sure that you have valid ID to vote ahead of the General Election on the 4th July:

  1. Check that you have the right photo ID to vote. A handy tool for checking ID can be found here, these are the only forms which will be accepted at a polling station. As ever, you do not need the polling card sent through by the council to vote, although we would encourage people to bring it along anyway as it may contain information you find useful.
  2. Second, if you don’t have valid photo ID, then apply right now for a free Voter Authority Certificate using this link to ensure you can vote. The deadline for any new applications is 5pm on the 26th June, so don’t delay.
  3. Third, make a plan to vote on Election Day. Evidence shows that people who plan when they are going to vote are far more likely to make it out to vote. Do you know what time you are likely to vote (polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm)? Do you know where your local polling station is? If not, you can check using your postcode and find out more about local candidates using this link:
  4. Lastly, while the deadline has now passed, protect your ability to vote in future years by applying for a postal vote. Postal votes don’t require photo ID and the data shows that the more people who register to vote by post, the more likely it is that we beat the Tories. To apply to vote by post, go to:

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